How much does it cost to change a flight date on Kenya Airways?

Method and cost to change Kenya airlines flight date Kenya airlines are premium airlines in Kenya. Many people traveling with these airlines sometimes want to change the flight date to another one, which can be because they missed the flight for any reason; maybe they reached the airport but could not make it to the airline boarding counter. Suppose you are wondering what you can change in the change provided by the airlines so that you can change your date, time as well as destination of the airlines. There are some reasons which are very common to happen, say some car issues like a flat tire; they miss the flight. If you missed the flight with Kenya airlines, if you haven't informed them, you will lose your refund and connect airlines with the same booking. You will know from the Next paragraph how much does it cost to change a flight fate on Kenya airways.

Cost of changing a flight date on Kenya airlines

Suppose you are wondering if you will be charged by the airline or not. Kenya airlines are charging for the changes you make. They will charge you different prices ranging from $100 to $300. you can only make online changes if you purchased the ticket with Kenya airlines

How do I change my flight date on Kenya Airways?

You can also make the changes from the phone, where you will be charged the same amount.  Method to change the flight You can change the flight on Kenya airlines. If you are looking for the answer to how do I change the flight date on Kenya airways? You have to go to the website to do so, or you can also call on the number that Kenya airlines have provided on their official website. Changing flight on the website

  • First, you have to go to the website of Kenya airlines
  • After that, you have to click prepare for a travel option
  • Then there will be an option as manage your booking
  • After that, you need to put your last name along with the booking reference number
  • Click on go
  • After that, you will drop down the menu to put the reason behind changing your flight.
  • Clicking on change

Your flight is changed to a future date which you have chosen at the time after following the process via managing your booking from the website. Changing flight on call You can connect to Kenya airlines on call by dialing +254734104747. After that, you need to tell them that you want to change your current flight date to another available one. After knowing the reason for the flight change, they will let you rebook the flight for the said one.